Friday, August 10, 2012

brace's a long one.

So in my waiting for dinner to be ready boredom I have decided that you guys deserve an update! Hopefully I won’t get far into this update because I am ready to kill someone from pure hunger. Small exaggeration, but not small enough.

                I am currently at my 3 month In Service Training in the capital. All 11 of us who are still here from the education sector are meeting up to present our community diagnostics and receive some more training to help us now that we will finally be able to start our real projects. I am super pumped to get cracking on all my plans that will inevitably overwhelm me and transform me into a stressed ball of fury. But that’s what r&r is for! Anyway the best part of our IST is our location. Because when I tell you we are right in the middle of an entire block of sex hotels, I am not exaggerating in the least. You see, in the DR when people wanna have sex they go to these “cabañas” where you can pay for however much time you want in these rooms of varying swankiness. And we are surrounded by them. Right next door we have cabaña si o no and across the street is cabaña honeymoon. Then we have chevere, kiss, princesa, and a bunch of equally entertaining locals. Kiss looked interesting because it had a bunch of grecian statues out front. That means it’s classy, obviously. It was also hilarious when my project partner and I got into our cab and told him we needed to go to the government training facility INFAS on 30 de Mayo (the street) and he was like, “I dunno what that is.” But when I said it was right next to cabaña si o no, he knew exactly where we wanted to go. Job well done santo domingo. Job well done.

                Ok I really expected dinner to be ready now. But I’m still wrong.

                In further news, I have started moving out of my doñas house into my own little house! I’m super pumped because it’s adorable and comfortable and I can finally finally finally cook for myself. That’s the best part. That and getting a dog soon. And that I was wrong when I said I’m gonna have a latrine. It’s a bathroom. Score! So hypothetically that means my toilet will flush, but not really because that requires running water which only comes for about an hour a couple of times a week. You win some, you lose some. And seriously where is dinner??? This dinner was supposed to be ready 45 minutes ago. Which is 15 dominican minutes ago. Grrrrrrr…

                I should really keep thinking about my house and not my stomach that is caving in on itself now that all the sugar I ate a few hours ago has abandoned ship. So yeah I have started decorating and organizing and in a week in a half I will get my stove which will be good news. It’s the last major thing I need. Besides a small fridge, but I don’t see myself getting that one this month. That can be september’s big purchase. I also need some way to organize my clothes. The tricky part about that is that whatever I buy somehow has to get transported to my sight. Now, luckily the lady I’m renting the house from has provided most of the big things, like chairs and a bed and the like, because she’s awesome as it gets, but I do need some way to organize my clothes. There’s no room for a closet, but I would love to find some cheap foldable stand to use. There is an ikea in the capital and I feel like it’s something I could find there. But I have been to ikea once in my life, and have no idea if that will be in my price range. Probably not, but I can always splurge.


                Ok that was a tasty dish of onions, mangu (mashed up boiled plantains), and cheese. It was disappointingly delicious. Hello stomach ache.

And part 2, because, of course, I didn’t put up my blog post from a week ago.

                So I have a lot of interesting Dominican culture experiences that I want to write about and don’t even know where to start. Tell you what. We will start with last Monday which was almost to Dominican to be believable:

                I get up in the morning and have my breakfast of hot dog bun and (shockingly) yogurt! Trust my last breakfast with Dona E to be decent. So I ate up and started moving because I didn’t have all that much left to carry to my new casita. But before I left I gave Dona Eudocia these beautiful earrings and this whole speech about how I was leaving, but she is still my Dominican mom and thanks for everything. She seemed to like the earrings, but literally within minutes came back to my room to ask for her final payment. And she had her voice all low as if we were talking about some taboo thing that no one else should hear—despite the fact that there was no one else in the house. But here’s why she was talking like that: we had already discussed the fact that the last payment had already been made! She wanted me to in august for the last 2 weeks of july again. She just didn’t understand that I always paid at the beginning of each period and so I, in fact, as I thought I had made clear previously, did not owe her another 2500 pesos. So that was an interesting start to the very hot morning. I mention that it was very hot because after taking two trips between my old house to my new awesome house, I was nice and sweaty and figured I would probably want to take a shower after the whole ordeal. But when I went to my water tank it was practically empty minus about  6 inches of dirty water at the bottom. So I turned it over to dump in out (this is a big tank by the way, so keep that in mind for the rest of this story) and it turns out there were a solid 3 inches of wet cement in the bottom of the tank. The tank that is waaaaaay to deep for me to be able to reach to clean out the cement. So I kept dumping a bucket of water in, swirling it around, and dumping it back out until I got rid of the cement. That was fun. You know what was more fun though? When I then put the tank in the bathroom so when I shower it’s easily accessible only to find that the water in the bathroom wasn’t working. At this point I felt like I was working on borrowed time because you never know when the water is going to cut off (for example, we haven’t had any today, which basically just means I have a legit excuse to not mop my house). But anyway the faucet/shower thing in my bathroom decided it didn’t feel like working so I had to fill my tank walking back and forth from the spicket to the tank with a small bucket of water because my hose has mysteriously gone missing. And get this, when I had maybe 6 inches of space left, the water came on in the bathroom! And that was just the beginning of my very Dominican day.

                This feels like a good place to start a new paragraph. I continue: then I was in my house and cleaning up and all with a bunch of muchachos who honestly weren’t bothering me at all, when one of my neighbors just decided that they had been here long enough. So he ran through my house with a switch yelling at them to leave me alone. He only actually barely got one kid though, so then I a screaming toddler in my yard after all the others had fled. And the dude peaced out pretty quickly too. I didn’t even get the chance to tell him to never hit kids in my yard or home. I want my home to be a safe place for these kids, so I don’t let them fight here—even fake fighting—and I sure as hell am not going to let someone else come in and use a switch on a child in my yard. No sir. But that wasn’t the end of the day. Then I called Ellen to check how things were going with the puppies and to ask her how she handled getting shots and all when she got her dog. So she decided to call her old project partner in her old site where the puppies are and it turns out something bad happened. (heads up: this is a story about how they abuse animals here). Turns out the mama dog had eaten some 5 peso eggs that belonged to her owner’s brother the night before. So he killed the dog. Even though she had puppies less than 2 months old AND ONLY ATE 1 OR 2 EGGS. It makes me so angry just thinking about it. I don’t care if it’s just a part of the culture here, it’s disgusting. I mean, I think it’s bad enough to kill a dog for eating a chicken (which happens all the time) but an egg???? Come on! I’m going to stop myself here with this story or I’ll rant forever. Anyway Ellen went over there that day and saved the 2 puppies that we left (the rest were already given away). So luckily Indi aka Inigo (apparently Indi is a girl’s name. oops.) is safe, defleaed, and finally eating properly thanks to Ellen! He’s also adorable—check out my facebook page for a picture.

                Now, at this point it was only lunchtime. The afternoon was much more pleasant. Some chicas came over to clean my lawn for me (apparently there were just too many leaves to handle) and I read Rapunzel with a bunch of kids. Now they love to recite “Rapunzel, rapunzel, tirame tus trenzas!” whenever they see me. I have been reading consistently now with the many many kids in my barrio, and I love it. I read to the smaller ones and the older ones read aloud to themselves. I think on Sunday I’m gonna try to have a movie night and show Tangled (in Spanish) for the kiddies. They wanna have a sleep-over but I told them that has to wait.

                Other interesting tidbits to share: the kids in my barrio love to make kites out of strings and a piece of paper. It actually works surprisingly well and is absolutely adorable. Of course they also all have the tire-and-stick game that is straight out of scene from Tom Sawyer or Pollyanna.

                And here’s the coolest thing that happen last night actually: I learned something very interesting and dangerous about my barrio. I have witches!! Gasp. Yes. My muchachas informed me in all seriousness that there is a witch who comes out at night near here who eats little children. There is also a headless horse who roams around, doing nothing as far as I can tell. And finally there is a crazy man, who may also be headless, but still manages to eat a ton of yucca and people. He doesn’t limit himself to children. So, I’ve been warned. I’m on full alert for yucca eating witches who wanna take a bite out of my unbelieving gringo flesh.

                I feel like you should all know I’m becoming the babysitter around here. People just tell their kids to come here when they are sick of them. But it’s ok because they are all giving me meals and coffees and curtains (seriously one lady just gave me a curtain when I told her that I liked hers and am looking for a similar one) so I don’t mind playing with their kids. Especially now that I have a curtain and can keep them out of my room! Still don’t have a stove though…hence the meals I’m being given. Because if I don’t have a stove, I clearly must be starving. Despite the fact that I have many cans of tuna, fresh fruit, and oatmeal with powdered soy milk (it’s not as bad as it sounds) and tons of dried fruit (ps a giant thanks to Mrs. Hundley for saving my life with the dried fruit!! Seriously, it’s the best thing I’m eating currently. Somehow adding craisins makes cold oatmeal delicious!)

Ok I’m gonna stop writing now because the 5 year old who is sitting with me keeps trying to turn off my computer because the button is lit up.
PS: got a moto burn from a super hot muffler that i barely brushed with my leg. oops.