Saturday, October 6, 2012

oh yay! rats.

I feel like every blog post is starting the same. So here we go again…sorry it’s been so long! Once again, I have no excuse.


So yeah: rats. They’re here. Well, I’ve only seen the one out of the corner of my eye every night, but I mean, if there’s one, there’s more. So that’s exciting. It’s not just Inigo and me anymore. We have a (some) unwanted house guest(s). If I end up getting a cat, that might take care of the rats. But I’m not sure it’s worth it…I would rather not have any more animals in the house if that could somehow be an option. The Dominican method for getting rid of rats is pretty simple:

1)      Get a cat

2)      Starve the cat

3)      Raise it to be a hunter out of necessity

4)      Cat eats the rats and other critters because it’s so hungry

Needless to say, I’m not sure I agree with this methodology.

You know what else I have? Giant spiders. But as long as they aren’t tarantulas I’m good. I went to use the bathroom the other night and there was a giant spider and I debated for a second if it was worth it and decided that it was. The night before the same thing had happened, but there was also a giant juicy cockroach on the wall. I held it that night.

Anyway things have changed quite a bit here since my last post (which I can’t even remember, coincidently). I started English classes. This is loosely stated because I have yet to get more than 20% of my students to show up. But it was the first week and I’m hoping for a greater turnout net Wednesday. But if only 2 come, then you know what? They’re gonna get a semi-private English class and I get to stress less about it. So that’s cool. I got facilitators for my literacy program, lost one, and then got two more. It’s a pretty sad story about why one facilitator had to go. See, these youth who are helping me are the recipients of scholarships from the Church. Turns out this 19 year old has an 7 month old illegitimate child with a Haitian woman who was living in his house in the campo. When he told Father, Father had to tell him he couldn’t participate in the program anymore. I understand it all, but it’s really sad. He is a very serious student and was great with the kids. But I am holding out hope that he can continue with his studies in some other way. Continuing on: I have made several work schedules to try to accommodate all the teachers’ wishes (next to impossible btw). It’s pretty frustrating when you spend forever creating in depth evaluations, giving them to the students, dividing up the students by their respective levels in four different categories, and then have the teachers be like “oh yeah, this isn’t working well for me. Maybe we could try a different way.” And you respect their wishes because some of their points are valid. So instead of going to your friend’s birthday party in Santiago, you spend all weekend creating a new schedule by rearranging ALL 37 students in new groups, taking into consideration your facilitators’ schedules (which are all different). Then come Monday you meet with the teachers to show them this new fantastic plan you have lined up which meets all of their requests and they proceed to say that maybe we could change it again. Without giving any ideas except one which would never work because the kids never ever stay for the entire school day. Actually the teachers don’t even stay for the entire allotted time aka to 6 o’clock. But that’s a whole different story. So yeah. I basically told them we were gonna try out this new schedule and if it didn’t work we could change it again. But if I change it again, they are gonna help me, because I can’t comply to all of their wishes when it seems they don’t even know what they want. Besides maybe a magic spell that will teach their children to read. That’d be cool actually. I’d be down with that. Anyway that’s my bitch-fest. On to better things!

So every town here has its patron saint. The patron saint of Banica (4 km away) is St. Francis of Assisi. Which is so cool to me, considering I have the cross of St. Francis tattooed on my foot. It was fate that I came here and am working with this church. Anyway this week is the patronales in Banica aka they celebrate all week long. There is this pilgrimage people make to a cave that is up the nearby hill, and people come from the capital, Santiago, and even from farther off to climb the hill. So I did it yesterday, and there were SO MANY people. At times it was hard to walk, and this was a steep hill at points so I’m surprised some people could make it. Aka the larger or older ones. But we got to the top and the cave is amazing. There are gaps in the ceiling where the light just spills in. It was so gorgeous and filled with candles people have lit in prayer. So the smoke from the candles mixed with the light from above creates a very ethereal atmosphere. Plus it’s limestone and the tradition is to hack away at the lime to put the resulting powder on your face. I think the story is that St. Francis appeared in the cave and so now there’s a pilgrimage here. Anyway it was a wonderful experience that I may not repeat next year. I think next time I go up to the caves I will go when there are fewer people. But this whole week there are parties in town and on Saturday they are bringing in a singer whose name I can’t remember, so I want to go. It should be a good time complete with merengue, pizza, and maybe even, dare I even think it, a beer.

Another big thing is happening tomorrow: I’m finally getting a fridge! A little dorm fridge. It’s gonna be great. I can finally have cold water! What a lame problem… but it will be nice to have that cold water. Plus it will also be nice to store vegetables so they don’t go bad in a day and a half. Oh snap I just had a genius idea: ICED COFFEE. That’s soooo happening. It’s not exactly cheap, because I can’t find a second hand fridge to buy, and they charge me to transport it to my home, but it’s worth it. At first when they told me it was 500 pesos to take it to my house, I was a bit put off because that’s more than I pay to go to the capital. But then I realized it’s somewhere around 13 bucks so decided not to fight that battle.

                But yall wanna know what the biggest news is? My dad’s coming in 9 days!! It’s the light at the end of my relatively stressful tunnel. What with my ever changing literacy program, my English classes, my youth group, my annoying enamorados, and my not so annoying enamorados, and my daily responsibilities, it’s gonna be absolute bliss to show my dad my site, let him “live” here for a day and then ship out for a resort. I’ve never been to a resort and I can’t think of a better time to give it a whirl! Can you say piƱa colada? I can just see it: drink in one hand, giant ass salad in the other, lying on the beach somewhere under an umbrella because I just don’t need to get tanner. (I’d like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to the Dominican sun that is doing its best to prematurely destroy my skin.)

Knee deep in the water somewhere, got the blue sky, breeze blowing wind through my hair. Only worry in the world: is the tide gonna reach my chair?

Be jealous.