Monday, July 16, 2012

everytime i kill a mosquito an angel gets its wings

james stewart is probably rolling over in his grave at that allusion. sorry Terrence! 


So i’m sitting here trying to work on my community diagnostic, coming up with all these genius plans of what I could potentially do to improve the community, but of course no ideas about how to implement the particularly ambitious plans. I could help the libraries come up with more money  so they can stay open and actually lend books to the people…because money grows on trees right? Oh and I can help all the Haitian kids get their papers so they can continue their educations, because I know so much about DR bureaucracy and all… isn’t idealism fun? I can do it! Maybe. But I decided to take a break from my dreaming to update you all, because knowing me, this post still won’t be up for at least a week.

You know, I did read about this one volunteer who came up with a plan to make money for the her library in Ghana so it could stay open and be sustainable. She put solar panels on the roof and people could pay to use them to charge their cellphones. It’s a great idea because, especially in places like this where we always have cell service, but don’t always have electricity, it benefits the library and the people. Plus it would promote reading which is an impact I would love to leave behind here. So I need to take a page out of her book and get creative!

Ok funny story. My friend Alex just texted me that he was showering and dropped his soap. And when he bent over to pick it up he grabbed a giant toad the size of his hand. Welcome to the DR!!

Alright I’m off to help a bunch of missionaries build an enramada in the church and paint symbols on the houses here. It’s funny but once a few houses have a cross or a bible painted on their house, suddenly everyone wants one! 

Ok more news: the owners of the house I’m renting have started building my latrine! And the best part of this news is that the place to shower will be a separate structure. Gracias a dios. I would hate to shower in a latrine… and that’s all I’m gonna say about that.

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