Friday, April 19, 2013

i still exist i swear

So here’s my list of “oh man my life is different moments”

·         Hanging out at the colmado while my friend is killing and cleaning chickens to sell.

·         Losing the skin on my finger from sweeping my lawn and then still having to wash my dishes in super chloro-ed water.

·         When my neighbor has impromptu cock-fights in his backyard

·         When bathing my dog becomes a barrio-wide activity

·         I’m looking for a cat to keep the rats away

·         Covering the “stove” in my “kitchen” with foil so it’s easier to clean. And yet still finding rat poop under the foil.

·         Cooking by candle-light

·         When chickens (right now)/ puppies/ lizards/ goats (only once) randomly come into my house

·         Hitch-hiking on a weekly basis

·         Napping in a puddle of my own sweat (it’s as gross as it sounds)

·         Loving the bachata and the merengue

·         Judging prices by how many jumbos it would cost

·         Having naked kids come sit in my seats and demand mentas

·         Having my dog follow me on my runs, even when he doesn’t have a leash on

·         When I reached down for a small rock to throw at the rooster sneaking into my house and was like…whoa, ginny, whoa…


·         Buying “flea and tick powder” for my dog and then realizing I got totally gipped. It’s baby powder.

·         Washing machines are for wusses.

·         When I ate the produce here for the first time and realized what I had been missing. Mangos.


And the “my life isn’t so different moments” list:

·         Still completely freaked out by cockroaches

·         Still in love with game of thrones, Friday night lights, new girl, and any other tv show that can save me from going campo-crazy

·         Loving dancing


Fyi I just took a shower after my run and my bucket of water slipped a bit. As it was slipping in my hand I realized the water was gonna fall on the side of the tank by the wall where Pedro Santana’s biggest spider has been living. So I flipped a bit and tried to hop out of my “shower” quickly just as the spider did in fact come out from behind my tank and start scurrying up the wall. But I didn’t make it very far. Instead I slipped around for a bit, jammed my shin into a cement corner and almost completely ate it. Then I started drying myself off with my towel only to find that ants were all over it. Now there was no electricity, so how did I know about the ants? Because they started biting me all over my body. Then I made it back to the house, not quite dry (like I was gonna keep using that towel…) and it stars to rain. My shin is killing me, I’m out of drinking water, there is no electricity, it’s raining, and a year is feeling like a very long time. Tomorrow will be better though!

1 comment:

  1. Miss you Ginny!!!! Loving your posts and stories!!
