Thursday, May 2, 2013

annnnd the mosquitoes are back

At my friend’s advice I have decided to give the giant spider in my bathroom a better name than “mother of all spiders”. It has gotten bigger by the way. Anyway these critters are less surprising and, let’s face it, scary when they have names. Kind of like when I named the mouse in my house Andre. May he rest in peace. So I would like to welcome Maximilian to the (out)house. May he also rest in peace soon.

So now for some good news! I went to the dentist last Friday (yikes) and I have no cavities or anything! Sweet. I had a “stain” but she put a sealant on it and now I’m good as new. I’ve even been flossing and this was the first time in maybe my entire life when the dentist hasn’t looked at my teeth and patronizingly asked “Do you floss?”. So I scored some universe points there. But that’s good because I had lost some MAJOR universe points the day before. I had gone for a run. It was lovely and I was halfway done (re: as far away as I get from my house before turning around) and I was in the next town over.  A little girl had been calling out to me, “Sarah! Sarah!” and I had stopped to chat and explain that I am not in fact the super extremely long haired blonde who lives in Banica, but rather the short haired way less blonde who lives in Pedro Santana. And my name is Virginia. So we chatted a bit (as much as you can chat with a 3 year old who is absolutely convinced you are Sarah) and I took off running again. My dog loves to follow me on my runs which is adorable by the way. But he got spooked by some other dogs and came running up behind me and straight up took me out. He came barreling into the back of my legs and I ATE IT on the gravelly street. I cussed like nobody’s business in front of the children, oops, and ran home. I stopped to visit with my friend Ramona and as luck has it, she has an aloe plant. So she took some leaves, crushed them up inside a cloth, and squeezed the juices over my cuts. It did not feel good. Then I got home and poured salt water over them. That also did not feel good. Then the next day at the doctors I had the wonderful experience of Lisette taking a pair of tweezers and picking out all the dirt from my hand and knee. That REALLY didn’t feel good. Anyway what it boils down to is that I was due for some positive universe points. PS I haven’t gone running since and my knee is still at least 4 colors.

And yesterday was a very fun day. My friend Matt, who is COSing, came to visit and I gave him the Banica/Pedro Santana tour. We spent most of the day walking around outside in intervals and recovering from the heat in my rocking chairs. Somehow I managed to get a bit burned. You would think after so much time here I would be past burning, but you’d be wrong. Which reminds me: my friend informed me the other day that I am no longer American because my skin isn’t the right color anymore. So I asked him what I am then, and his response “not American.” Ha. But I really loved showing off my town because people are always impressed by how cute it is. And beautiful. I live in a small community, but it still has a town-like feel to it. Well it is a town, but it does not have a super-campo feel despite the fact that it is way smaller than a city. Our empanada stand even put some tables outside! So know we basically have a restaurant. And ice-cream. Recently I think I’ve been feeling down on this place, so it was really nice having someone come visit because it made me feel happy and lucky to be here again. Which is how I should be feeling, because it’s true.

Wanna know the other reason I’m lucky? People have started fighting to see who can bring me the best mangos.  And now one of my muchachos is frying a banana in my house. Life is good.

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